Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure

Carl Padgett, Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Team, UK Border Agency of 2 October 2008 re sponsor licensing update

Carl Padgett, Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Team, UK Border Agency of 2 October 2008 re sponsor licensing update

Mailing or Enclosure

Identity and Passport Service, UK Border Agency of 25 and 26 September 2008 re Identity Cards for Foreign Nationals General Guidance Level 1

Identity and Passport Service, UK Border Agency of 25 and 26 September 2008 re Identity Cards for Foreign Nationals General Guidance Level 1

Mailing or Enclosure

Public Enquiry Office, Managed Migration Directorate, UK Border Agency of 1 October 2008 re earlier arrival time

Public Enquiry Office, Managed Migration Directorate, UK Border Agency of 1 October 2008 re earlier arrival time

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on ILPA meeting with John Vine, Chief Inspector of UK Border Agency of 6 October 2008 and Advisory Panel Country Information workshop with John Vine of 22 September 2008

Note on ILPA meeting with John Vine, Chief Inspector of UK Border Agency of 6 October 2008 and Advisory Panel Country Information workshop with John Vine of 22 September 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Jeremy Oppenheim, Organisational Design and Development Directorate to ILPA of 9 October 2008 re ILPA comments on the addendum to the Draft Asylum Process Instruction on children on family tracing and ‘the removal of asylum-seeking children’

Jeremy Oppenheim, Organisational Design and Development Directorate to ILPA of 9 October 2008 re ILPA comments on the addendum to the Draft Asylum Process Instruction on children on family tracing […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Note of UK Border Agency Corporate Stakeholder meeting of 11 October 2008

Note of UK Border Agency Corporate Stakeholder meeting of 11 October 2008


Home Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons, Inquiry into the Points-Based System, ILPA Memorandum of Evidence of 30 September 2008

Home Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons, Inquiry into the Points-Based System, ILPA Memorandum of Evidence of 30 September 2008

ILPA documents

Update Sheet 16 September 2008

Update Sheet 16 September 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Ukvisas, Guidance, Points Based System Tier 1, General Migrant (INF 21), updated 24 September 2008, archived 5 November 2008

Ukvisas, Guidance, Points Based System Tier 1, General Migrant (INF 21), updated 24 September 2008, archived 5 November 2008

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on