Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure | Children

Minutes of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children of 10 June 2008 re Child Trafficking

Minutes of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children of 10 June 2008 re Child Trafficking

Mailing or Enclosure

Joint Committee on Human Rights of 9 July 2008 re note of mini conference: health care for asylum seekers and trafficked persons

Joint Committee on Human Rights of 9 July 2008 re note of mini conference: health care for asylum seekers and trafficked persons

Mailing or Enclosure

Admiral The Lord West of Spithead to The Lord Avebury of 10 July 2008 re length of detention for families

Admiral The Lord West of Spithead to The Lord Avebury of 10 July 2008 re length of detention for families

Mailing or Enclosure

Admiral The Lord West of Spithead to The Lord Avebury of 17 July 2008 re The Immigration Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 (Duty to Share Information and Disclosure of Information for Security Purposes) Order 2008

Admiral The Lord West of Spithead to The Lord Avebury of 17 July 2008 re The Immigration Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 (Duty to Share Information and Disclosure of Information […]

Mailing or Enclosure

The Lord Bassam of Brighton to The Lord Avebury of 22 July 2008 re debate of 10 June on the Immigration (Registration Card) Order 2008

The Lord Bassam of Brighton to The Lord Avebury of 22 July 2008 re debate of 10 June on the Immigration (Registration Card) Order 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Ann Keen, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department of Health to The Lord Avebury of 24 July 2008 re access to healthcare for failed asylum seekers

Ann Keen, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department of Health to The Lord Avebury of 24 July 2008 re access to healthcare for failed asylum seekers

Mailing or Enclosure

Ministerial Statements – The UK Borders Act 2007 and more, August 2008

Ministerial Statements – The UK Borders Act 2007 and more, August 2008


UK Border Agency (UKBA), Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), letter from Jeremy Oppenheim, general UKBA news 30 July 2008

UK Border Agency (UKBA), Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), letter from Jeremy Oppenheim, general UKBA news 30 July 2008


Points Based System (PBS), Students under the Points Based System, Tier 4, Current Draft Proposals by Matt Maggs and Suzanne Barnes 28 July 2008

Points Based System (PBS), Students under the Points Based System, Tier 4, Current Draft Proposals by Matt Maggs and Suzanne Barnes 28 July 2008

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on