Resource Archive

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Ministry of Justice and Tribunals Service, Consultation on the Procedure Rules for the First Tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber), ILPA response of 12 July 2008

Ministry of Justice and Tribunals Service, Consultation on the Procedure Rules for the First Tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber), ILPA response of 12 July 2008.  Link also to consultation


Ministry of Justice and Tribunals Service, Consultation on the Draft Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) Procedure Rules 2008, ILPA response of 12 July 2008

Ministry of Justice and Tribunals Service, Consultation on the Draft Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) Procedure Rules 2008, ILPA response of 12 July 2008


UK Border Agency (UKBA), Immigration group structures, version 5.3, 09 July 2008

UK Border Agency (UKBA), Immigration group structures, version 5.3, 09 July 2008


Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP), Forum Ltd Judicial Review, Policy Document 09 July 2008

Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP), Forum Ltd Judicial Review, Policy Document  09 July 2008 


UK Border Agency (UKBA), Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) Forum, judicial review policy document, 9 July 2008

UK Border Agency (UKBA), Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) Forum, judicial review policy document, 9 July 2008

ILPA documents

Update Sheet 13 July 2008

Update Sheet 13 July 2008


Home Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons, Inquiry into Managed Migration: the Points Based System, ILPA Memorandum of Evidence of 7 July 2008

Home Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons, Inquiry into Managed Migration: the Points Based System, ILPA Memorandum of Evidence of 7 July 2008


UK Border Agency (UKBA), Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), Strategic challenges facing UKBA 3 July 2008

UK Border Agency (UKBA), Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), Strategic challenges facing UKBA 3 July 2008


UK Border Agency (UKBA), Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), Identity card for foreign nationals 3 July 2008

UK Border Agency (UKBA), Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), Identity card for foreign nationals 3 July 2008

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on