Resource Archive

All our resources appear here. Use our search function below to find documents from our large archive.

You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on


Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), Strategic Challenges for UKBA, 3 July 2008

Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), Strategic Challenges for UKBA, 3 July 2008


Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), Enforcement Strategy, 3 July 2008

Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), Enforcement Strategy, 3 July 2008


Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), Identity Cards for Foreign Nationals, 3 July 2008

Corporate Stakeholder Group (CSG), Identity Cards for Foreign Nationals, 3 July 2008

ILPA documents

Legacy Cases 6

Legacy Cases 6

ILPA documents

Legacy Cases 5

Legacy Cases 5

ILPA documents

Legacy Cases 4

Legacy Cases 4

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Border Agency (UKBA), Immigration Directorate’s Instructions (IDI) Chapter 8 – family members Section 4 – victims of domestic violence Annex AB Domestic violence – list of recognised domestic violence organisations as at July 2008

UK Border Agency (UKBA), Immigration Directorate’s Instructions (IDI) Chapter 8 – family members Section 4 – victims of domestic violence Annex AB Domestic violence – list of recognised domestic violence […]

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Border Agency (UKBA) Detention Services Order (DSO) 07/2008 Notification of removal directions for detainees July 2008

UK Border Agency (UKBA) Detention Services Order (DSO) 07/2008 Notification of removal directions for detainees July 2008


Asylum Aid (AA) The rights of women seeking asylum: a charter July 2008

Asylum Aid (AA) The rights of women seeking asylum: a charter July 2008

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on