Resource Archive

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on

Mailing or Enclosure

Minutes of the Asylum Support Adjudicator User Group meeting held on 21 September 2004

Minutes of the Asylum Support Adjudicator User Group meeting held on 21 September 2004

Mailing or Enclosure

Note of R (Abdullah) v Secretary of State for the Home Department CO/37090/2004 – 17 September 2004 ‘NASS hard cases suppoort for Iraqis – important case by S Ghelani of 23 September 2004

Note of R (Abdullah) v Secretary of State for the Home Department CO/37090/2004 – 17 September 2004 ‘NASS hard cases suppoort for Iraqis – important case by S Ghelani of […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on section 57 of NIAA 2002 by Simon Cox of September 2004

Note on section 57 of NIAA 2002 by Simon Cox of September 2004

Mailing or Enclosure

Inter Agency Co-ordination Team (ICT) information bulletin 47 of 20 September 2004 re section 4 support – further representations/fresh claims

Inter Agency Co-ordination Team (ICT) information bulletin 47 of 20 September 2004 re section 4 support – further representations/fresh claims

Mailing or Enclosure

UK IS, IND to ILPA of 6 October 2004 re handling of correspondence as further representations or fresh applications

UK IS, IND to ILPA of 6 October 2004 re handling of correspondence as further representations or fresh applications

Mailing or Enclosure

IAS to CIPU Unit IND of 6 October re operational guidance note: Somalia (1 May 2004) and quality of Somali refusal letters

IAS to CIPU Unit IND of 6 October re operational guidance note: Somalia (1 May 2004) and quality of Somali refusal letters

Mailing or Enclosure

Nationality Policy and Special Cases Unit, IND to EMLC of 16 September 2004

Nationality Policy and Special Cases Unit, IND to EMLC of 16 September 2004

Mailing or Enclosure

EMLC to International Policy Directorate, IND of 9 August 2004 and their response of 18 August 2004 re third country parent of EEA national children

EMLC to International Policy Directorate, IND of 9 August 2004 and their response of 18 August 2004 re third country parent of EEA national children

Mailing or Enclosure

CIPU, IND to Bail for Immigration Detainees of 23 September 2004 re returns to Liberia

CIPU, IND to Bail for Immigration Detainees of 23 September 2004 re returns to Liberia

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on