Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) Deportation Procedure (DP) 4/96 Guidance on the consideration of cases of those persons liable to be removed as illegal immigrants who are either children on their own here or who are parents who have children present in the United Kingdom March 1996

Home Office Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) Deportation Procedure (DP) 4/96 Guidance on the consideration of cases of those persons liable to be removed as illegal immigrants who are either […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) Policy Document 5/96 Deportation in cases where there are children with long residence – also know as – 7-year child concession March 1996

Home Office Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) Policy Document 5/96 Deportation in cases where there are children with long residence – also know as – 7-year child concession March 1996. […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) to Bindman and Partners Re: Adoptive children of EEA nationals 5 February 1996

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) to Bindman and Partners Re: Adoptive children of EEA nationals 5 February 1996

Mailing or Enclosure | New York

United States Department of Justice. Executive Office for Immigration Review, Ofice of the Immigration Judge New York File No A 71 498 940 deportation proceedings [redacted] 31 October 1995

United States Department of Justice. Executive Office for Immigration Review, Ofice of the Immigration Judge New York File No A 71 498 940 deportation proceedings [redacted] 31 October 1995

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) to University of Sheffield Re: Overseas students who apply for leave to remain in order to re-sit examinations 7 August 1995

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) to University of Sheffield Re: Overseas students who apply for leave to remain in order to re-sit examinations 7 August 1995

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) B Division Instruction (BDI) 3/95 AIDS AND HIV positive cases August 1995

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) B Division Instruction (BDI) 3/95 AIDS AND HIV positive cases August 1995

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) B Division Instruction (BDI)AIDS and HIV positive cases BDI 3/95 August 1995

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) B Division Instruction (BDI)AIDS and HIV positive cases BDI 3/95 August 1995

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) Asylum Directorate Instruction (ADI) Chapter 5 Section 1 Exceptional leave July 1995

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) Asylum Directorate Instruction (ADI) Chapter 5 Section 1 Exceptional leave July 1995

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) to Bindman Re: Requirements of the immigration rules for overseaes lawyers seeking to practice in the United Kingdom 16 June 1995

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) to Bindman Re: Requirements of the immigration rules for overseaes lawyers seeking to practice in the United Kingdom 16 June 1995

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on