Message from ILPA’s Chair of Trustees (20 November 2024)

ILPA documents

Dear Members,

ILPA turned 40 this year and it seemed to me as fitting a time as any to step down from the role of ILPA Trustee and Chair.

I have always been passionate about ILPA and its role and wanted to be involved, so joining the Board was one way to do that and something that I highly recommend. That was back in 2010; of course I had no clue what I was letting myself in for, or that I would be doing it for as long as I have.

Fast forward to 2020, the formidable Adrian Berry stepped down as Chair and I was then elected into the role. He, and Sophie Barrett-Brown before him, made it look easy, but the weight of the responsibility was not lost on me. However, I had the support of an amazing Board who never let me feel like I was doing this alone, an incredibly dedicated team in the Secretariat who do fantastic work for ILPA, and an army of members who give their time generously to help ILPA achieve its mission. I am grateful to all for the amazing 14 years; it has been a privilege.

In the recent elections, we had one nomination for Chair and I take this opportunity to congratulate Andrea Als and thank her for stepping up for the role. Andrea has been a Trustee for nearly ten years and also the Trustee Liaison for the Racial Justice and Equality Working Group. She brings with her a wealth of experience both on the legal aid and business immigration side, as well as from her government liaison work. I know she will be a great champion and asset to ILPA.

It remains for me to wish ILPA well; I will certainly continue to be an active member supporting it always. 

With best wishes,


Hazar El-Chamaa
Chair of ILPA’s Trustees