Diana Baxter

Partner at Wesley Gryk Solicitors

Diana Baxter is a Partner at Wesley Gryk Solicitors LLP, a leading UK immigration firm.  Diana’s legal practice covers a broad spectrum of UK immigration, asylum and nationality law, with particular expertise in cases involving children and young people, and complex nationality law.

Over recent years, Diana has been an ILPA tutor for courses Nationality Law is Fun and Appendix FM: It’s All About the Money, and she spoke on Article 8 applications post MM & Ors at ILPA’s inaugural Family Law Conference in 2018.

Diana's Upcoming Training


Tuesday 02 March 2021, 10:00 – 13:00, 3.0 CPD Hours 

Tutors: Nath Gbikpi, Islington Law Centre and Diana Baxter, Wesley Gryk Solicitors

At the end of the course participants should fully understand the financial requirements in Appendix FM and the related evidential requirements in Appendix FM-SE, and be equipped to handle a range of applications involving different financial circumstances.

Topics will cover the requirements for partners and other family members under Appendix FM and Appendix FM-SE, including:

  • Calculating level of income/savings required
  • permitted sources of income
  • specified evidence
  • methods of calculating salaried employment, self-employment, non-employment income and cash savings
  • combining sources of income
  • adequate maintenance test
  • new rules on “other sources of income, financial support or funds in exceptional circumstances”
  • case studies

Diana's Past Training

Tutors: Nath Gbikpi and Diana Baxter, Wesley Gryk Solicitors 

At the end of the course participants should fully understand the financial requirements in Appendix FM and the related evidential requirements in Appendix FM-SE, and be equipped to handle a range of applications involving different financial circumstances.

This course aims to provide practitioners with a broad overview of requirements of the family-based migration applications contained in Appendix FM, along with practical guidance and discussion through case studies.

The session is aimed at practitioners providing advice and representation to migrants seeking family migration to the UK. Some prior knowledge of the provisions of Appendix FM is required.


  • Brief overview of the family routes contained in Appendix FM: partners; bereaved partners; victims of domestic violence; parents; children of parents with limited leave; adult dependent relatives.
  • Entry clearance vs leave to remain requirements.
  • Financial tests: minimum income threshold; adequate maintenance.
  • 5yr vs 10yr track applications; applications within the rules but based on the exception “EX1”.
  • Case studies.

Tutors: Adrian Berry, Garden Court Chambers and Diana Baxter, Wesley Gryk Solicitors LLP

The session is aimed at practitioners who want to develop their understanding of British nationality law and who are interested in more than making applications for citizenship. It complements the ILPA courses on naturalisation and registration of children. It covers automatic acquisition of British citizenship by birth or descent, tracing family status and old Commonwealth cases on and after independence, other forms of British nationality (e.g. British Overseas citizens), and dual nationality issues in practice. It also looks at the swing to correct historical injustices based on sex discrimination, illegitimacy and birth in the British overseas territories.

It considers the nationality legislation of 1914 and 1948 before turning to the development of the British Nationality Act 1981 and its revisions down to the present day. Understand the implications of status tracing for your client and emerge a better-informed and wiser immigration, asylum and nationality lawyer.

Tutors: Adrian Berry, Garden Court Chambers and Diana Baxter, Wesley Gryk Solicitors LLP

The session is aimed at practitioners who want to develop their understanding of British nationality law and who are interested in more than making applications for citizenship. It complements the ILPA courses on naturalisation and registration of children. It covers automatic acquisition of British citizenship by birth or descent, tracing family status and old Commonwealth cases on and after independence, other forms of British nationality (e.g. British Overseas citizens), and dual nationality issues in practice. It also looks at the swing to correct historical injustices based on sex discrimination, illegitimacy and birth in the British overseas territories.

It considers the nationality legislation of 1914 and 1948 before turning to the development of the British Nationality Act 1981 and its revisions down to the present day. Understand the implications of status tracing for your client and emerge a better-informed and wiser immigration, asylum and nationality lawyer.

Windrush: a guide to applications

I just wanted to say to Diana and Anjana that this session was really informative and generally brilliant. Was great to hear about how the Scheme is working in practice and was useful to have examples to apply.

Nationality Law is Fun

I liked the in-depth case studies and the tutors encyclopaedic knowledge of the field.

Nationality Law is Fun

This was an excellent seminar and I would recommend it to others.

Windrush Scheme: A Guide to Applications

I liked how much material was covered – the format of training – the trainers were knowledgeable and approachable – the group was small enough that we could interact easily

Windrush Scheme: A Guide to Applications

I liked the level of detail and how interesting and informative Anjana and Diana made it.

Windrush Scheme: A Guide to Applications

Fantastic course, thank you!