Removals, Detention and Offences Working Group
Discussion centred on army barracks accommodation e.g. at Penally and the issues that were arising. We also discussed Channel crossings and rapid removals.
Legislation Working Group
This was the first Legislation Working Group since March 2020, when the group met to discuss the Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill before its second reading. ILPA’s former Chair of Trustees, Adrian Berry, and our Legal and Parliamentary Officer provided an update on the Bill (which has since been made an Act of Parliament). We also discussed the EU regulations made under the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020.
Economic Migration Working Group
We had an informative session around the latest statement of changes to the immigration rules, HC 813. Members also raised issues with UKVI’s commercial partners, such as lack of available appointments. Over 100 people attended the Working Group.
Refugee Working Group
We discussed various issues, including Channel crossing arrivals and third country removals, asylum interviewing and outsourcing and recent case law.
Courts and Tribunals Working Group
In this meeting we spoke about COVID arrangements in the Tribunals, remote evidence in appeals, and Home Office appeal reviews, and costs. We also provided an update on the UTIAC JR error of law guidance.