Category: Home Office Documents

All documents produced by the Home Office

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Temporary permission to stay for victims of human trafficking and slavery: caseworker guidance (11 July 2024).

Call out box added to explain temporary pause in decision making.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Customer services safeguarding strategy: caseworker guidance (12 July 2024).

Details of ‘Homelessness, including rough sleeping’ added as a vulnerability.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Exemptions for visa applications: caseworker guidance (16 July 2024).

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Exemptions for visa applications: caseworker guidance (15 July 2024).

Exempt (EXM) document updated.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

King’s Speech 2024: background briefing notes (17 July 2024).

First published and updated. See also Legal Updates section above.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Changes to UKVI Commercial Partners (10 July 2024)

ILPA met with UKVCAS on 10 July 2024 to discuss changes to the commercial partners providing visa application services. The slides which were shared with us can be downloaded below. […]

Home Office Documents | Courts and Tribunals

Application for immigration bail accommodation (exceptional circumstances – Article 3 ECHR) BAIL 409 form (18 June 2024).

Form Updated.

Home Office Documents | Courts and Tribunals

Immigration bail: digital reporting (13 June 2024).

Added new sections on ‘location data’ and ‘cookies’.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Joint Committee: Migration and Economic Development Partnership (1 July 2024).

Terms of reference updated and Summary of the sixth meeting of the Joint Committee added.