Category: Home Office Documents

All documents produced by the Home Office

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Apply for the migrant victims of domestic abuse concession (4 April 2024).

Updated the form in line with Appendix VDA changes coming in on 4 April.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Health and Care visa: guidance for applicants (4 April 2024).

Updated guidance to reflect the Immigration Rules changes which come into force on 4 April 2024.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Transitional accommodation for new Afghan arrivals (2 April 2024).

First published.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

OISC Code of Standards (28 March 2024).

Updated consultation response document and IA published.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Right to rent immigration checks: landlords’ code of practice (27 March 2024).

Updated with Added code of practice for landlords: avoiding unlawful discrimination when conducting ‘right to rent’ checks in the private rented residential sector (in force from 6 April 2022).

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UKVI External Relations April newsletter (10 April 2024)

The latest UKVI Stakeholder newsletter from UKVI’s External Relations Team can be downloaded below. It provides information under the following headings:

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Code of conduct for interpreters: caseworker guidance (25 March 2024).

Updated the interpreters code of conduct. A full list of changes can be found in the document.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Victims of domestic violence: caseworker guidance (4 April 2024).

‘Appendix victim of domestic abuse’ updated to reflect changes to the Immigration Rules.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Victims of domestic violence: caseworker guidance (4 April 2024).

Updated guidance to reflect changes to the Immigration Rules made in Statement of Changes HC 590, laid on 14 March 2024.