Category: Home Office Documents

All documents produced by the Home Office

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Legal aid statistics (28 March 2024).

Updated with legal aid statistics quarterly: October to December 2023 edition.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Legal aid statistics: October to December 2023 data files (28 March 2024).

First published.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Legal aid statistics quarterly: October to December 2023 (28 March 2024).

First published.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Immigration providers south west support directory (27 March 2024).

Updated Directory.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Scale-up: going rates for eligible occupations (4 April 2024)

Updated the table of occupation codes in line with changes to the Immigration Rules.

ILPA documents | Courts and Tribunals

ILPA Correspondence with Judge Plimmer Re: Remote attendance at in-person hearings without prior notice (April-August 2024)

ILPA sent the below letter to Judge Melanie Plimmer, Chamber President of the First-tier Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber, on 2 April 2024 in relation to the issue of the […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Windrush Scheme application form (UK) (25 March 2024)

Updated with amended opening hours as the Windrush Helpline will be closed over Easter.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Permission to stay as a stateless person: caseworker guidance (27 March 2024).

Updated links in guidance.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

OISC annual report and accounts: 2022 to 2023 (26 March 2024)

First published.