Category: Home Office Documents

All documents produced by the Home Office

Home Office Documents

Update on ILPA recommendations to the Home Office on Coronavirus (Covid-19) immigration impact (12 May 2020)

On 21 March 2020, we sent the Home Office our recommendations for the handling of the Covid-19 impact on immigration. We provided a further update on 25 March 2020. Since […]

Home Office Documents | Family and Personal Migration

Simplification of the Rules – papers for next meeting on 14 May 2020

The next meeting with the Home Office’s Simplification of the Immigration Rules Taskforce is taking place on 14 May 2020. Please see the discussion papers and sample rules below.

Home Office Documents | European

Correspondence from Gabrielle Monk, UKVI on settled workers and right to work checks (29 April 2020)

Please see below for correspondence to ILPA from Gabrielle Monk, Head of Euro and Settlement and EU Settled Status Customer Resolution Centre. ILPA’s questions are in bold followed by the […]

Home Office Documents

UKVI press release: Home Secretary announces visa extensions for frontline health and care workers (29 April 2020)

Taken from on 29 April 2020.

Home Office Documents

Letter from Home Secretary to the Home Affairs Committee on on visa extensions for care workers and NHS staff (29 April 2020)

Home Office Documents

UKVI webpage: Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for UK visa applicants and temporary UK residents (28 April 2020)

Taken from on 29 April 2020.

Home Office Documents | Courts and Tribunals

UTIAC notice: Judicial Review applications (29 April 2020)

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Bail and refusal of bail by criminal courts and police officers

Added further links to legislation. Other minor housekeeping changes.

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Bangladesh CPIN: Background information, including internal relocation

Reissued following removal of the sections referring to actors of protection. There has been no substantive update to the rest of the content of this CPIN; an update will follow. […]