Category: Home Office Documents

All documents produced by the Home Office

Home Office Documents | European

Enhancements to the EU Settlement Scheme confirmed (17 July 2023)

A ‘new story’ has been published below, outlining that ‘From September 2023 people with pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme will automatically have their status extended by 2 years […]

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Local Authorities and landlords urged to step up with ‘final push’ to resettle Afghans who supported Britain (18 July 2023)

A ‘news story’ that ‘Local councils have been urged to step up efforts to provide permanent homes for the remaining Afghans who fled the Taliban and are currently living in […]

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Asylum accommodation factsheets (18 July 2023)

The factsheets on asylum accommodation on a vessel in Portland Port and at MoD Wethersfield have been updated below.

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Permission to stay on a protection route: caseworker guidance (17 July 2023)

The version 2.0 immigration staff guidance has been updated below, to remove reference to the differentiation policy, which was paused in the July 2023 Immigration Rules changes.

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Assessing credibility and refugee status: caseworker guidance (17 July 2023)

The version 12.0 Immigration staff guidance on assessing credibility and refugee status has been updated below, to remove reference to the differentiation policy which was paused in the July 2023 Immigration […]

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Granting humanitarian protection: caseworker guidance (17 July 2023)

The version 8.0 and version 6.0 Immigration staff guidance on how to consider granting humanitarian protection have been updated below, to remove references to ‘temporary humanitarian permission’ in response to […]

Home Office Documents | Refugee

People smugglers who brought in illegal migrants in car boots jailed (14 July 2023)

A ‘News story’ relating to the men who ‘were sentenced to over six years in prison for smuggling seven Indian migrants into the UK’ has been published below.

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Deadline extended: IAGCI invites tenders to evaluate Home Office country information products on Pakistan (14 July 2023)

Potential reviewers of country of origin information are invited to submit expressions of interest by the close of Thursday, 20 July 2023. This ‘news story’ has been published below.

Home Office Documents | Courts and Tribunals

About us: Tribunal Procedure Committee (TPC)  (17 July 2023)

The minutes from the 8 June 2023 Tribunal Procedure Committee (TPC) Meeting have been published below.