Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Visas and Immigration Guidance: Endorsing bodies: Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) (10 August 2018)

List of authorised institutions for Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur). 10 August 2018: Updated to remove the University of Bedfordshire.

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Visas and Immigration and Immigration Enforcement Guidance: Offender management (10 August 2018)

Guidance on immigration offender management for officers dealing with enforcement immigration matters within the UK. 10 August 2018: Immigration bail document updated to include adjustments to ‘reporting to police stations’ […]

Mailing or Enclosure | Removals, Detention and Offences

Home Office and Immigration Enforcement Guidance: Detainee Custody Officer and Detainee Custody Officer (Escort) certification (08 August 2018)

Detention services order 02/2018 on the processes within the immigration detention estate relating to Detainee Custody Officer certification. 8 August 2018: First published.

Mailing or Enclosure

UKVI Form: Request to change humanitarian protection status to refugee status (13 August 2018)

Use this form if you were resettled under the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme or the Vulnerable Children’s Resettlement Scheme. 3:59pm, 13 August 2018: Updated application form.

Mailing or Enclosure

UKVI Data: Country returns guide (13 August 2018)

Guidance on returning immigration offenders to their country of origin. 5:26pm, 13 August 2018: Updated country returns guide for August 2018.

Mailing or Enclosure

Agenda for Upcoming Economic Migration Working Group (15 August 2018)

Mailing or Enclosure | Removals, Detention and Offences

Home Office and Immigration Enforcement Guidance: Travel warrants for detainees attending First-tier Tribunals (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) (09 August 2018)

Detention services order 03/2018 about issuing travel warrants to detainees attending First-tier Tribunals (Immigration and Asylum Chamber). 9 August 2018: Detention service order 10/2007 has been replaced by DSO 03/2018.

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Visas and Immigration Guidance: EEA nationals qualified persons (09 August 2018)

Guidance on European Economic Area (EEA) national qualified persons. 9 August 2018: Guidance updated. 

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Visas and Immigration Form: Application for certificate showing right of abode (09 August 2018)

Form ROA to apply for a certificate of entitlement proving you have the right to live and work in the UK. 9 August 2018: Updated form published.