Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Hugh Ind, Strategic Director Asylum, UK Border Agency to ILPA of 13 November 2009 re UK Border Agency’s policy changes on further submissions

Hugh Ind, Strategic Director Asylum, UK Border Agency to ILPA of 13 November 2009 re UK Border Agency’s policy changes on further submissions

Mailing or Enclosure | Northern Ireland

Scotland and Northern Ireland Region, UK Border Agency to Law Centre Northern Ireland of 12 November 2009 re further submissions

Scotland and Northern Ireland Region, UK Border Agency to Law Centre Northern Ireland of 12 November 2009 re further submissions

Mailing or Enclosure

Ministry of Justice to Citizens Advice of 9 November 2009 re the case for publicly funded legal representation before the Asylum Support Tribunal

Ministry of Justice to Citizens Advice of 9 November 2009 re the case for publicly funded legal representation before the Asylum Support Tribunal

Mailing or Enclosure

Lin Homer, Chief Executive, UK Border Agency to The Refugee Council of 6 November 2009 re further submissions

Lin Homer, Chief Executive, UK Border Agency to The Refugee Council of 6 November 2009 re further submissions

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA note of UK Border Agency workshop re: NAM+ Quality and Learning of 5 November 2009

ILPA note of UK Border Agency workshop re: NAM+ Quality and Learning of 5 November 2009

Mailing or Enclosure

Criminal Casework Directorate (CCD), UK Border Agency to CCD staff of 29 July 2008 re drugs offences

Criminal Casework Directorate (CCD), UK Border Agency to CCD staff of 29 July 2008 re drugs offences

Mailing or Enclosure

Correspondence between Duncan Lewis and Co Solicitors, Administrative Court Office and Treasury Solicitor’s Department of 15 October – 11 December 2009 re lodging emergency applications

Correspondence between Duncan Lewis and Co Solicitors, Administrative Court Office and Treasury Solicitor’s Department of 15 October – 11 December 2009 re lodging emergency applications

Mailing or Enclosure

Legal Services Commission to ILPA of 25 November 2009 re 40% success rate Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Legal Services Commission to ILPA of 25 November 2009 re 40% success rate Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Mailing or Enclosure

Legal Services Commission to ILPA of 18 November 2009 re 2010 contract bid rounds

Legal Services Commission to ILPA of 18 November 2009 re 2010 contract bid rounds