Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Case note R(WK) v (I) SSHD & (2) Kent County Council by Graham Denholm 12 October 2009

Case note R(WK) v (I) SSHD & (2) Kent County Council by Graham Denholm 12 October 2009

Mailing or Enclosure

Case note NK v (1) SSHD and (2) X local authority by Shauna Gillan 9 October 2009

Case note NK v (1) SSHD and (2) X local authority by Shauna Gillan 9 October 2009

Mailing or Enclosure

New Statutory Instruments for October mailing 2009

New Statutory Instruments for October mailing 2009

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Border Agency (UKBA), Immigration Group Alert, Issue No. 11, October 2009

UK Border Agency (UKBA), Immigration Group Alert, Issue No. 11, October 2009

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Border Agency (UKBA) Update on Key Migration and Border Issues October 2009

UK Border Agency (UKBA) Update on Key Migration and Border Issues October 2009

Mailing or Enclosure

Papers for Child Trafficking Advice and Information Line Advisory Group (CTAIL) meeting, 25 September 2009

Papers for Child Trafficking Advice and Information Line Advisory Group (CTAIL) meeting, 25 September 2009 Agenda Minutes Action Points (including progress up to 8 October 2009)

Mailing or Enclosure

Refugee Council, Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) to Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (AIT) re immigration bail hearings by video link 24 September 2009

Refugee Council, Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) to Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (AIT) re : immigration bail hearings by video link 24 September 2009 

Mailing or Enclosure

Minutes of Social Welfare Law Representatives Body Meeting 16 September 2009

Minutes of Social Welfare Law Representatives Body Meeting 16 September 2009 

Mailing or Enclosure

Legal Services Commission Civil, LSC 2010 Key Perfomance Indicators Quality Assessment Impact round table 15 September 2009. Minutes and ILPA note of meeting

Legal Services Commission Civil, LSC  2010 Key Perfomance Indicators Quality Assessment Impact round table 15 September 2009.  Minutes and ILPA note of meeting