Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Guide to note on damages for breach of EC law (summary of document 09.02.26 in February mailing) by the AIRE Centre

Guide to note on damages for breach of EC law (summary of document 09.02.26 in February mailing) by the AIRE Centre

Mailing or Enclosure

Refugee Council to Stakeholders of 4 March 2009 re Refugee Council Children’s Services

Refugee Council to Stakeholders of 4 March 2009 re Refugee Council Children’s Services

Mailing or Enclosure

No Recourse to Public Funds Network (NRPF) Briefing February 2009

No Recourse to Public Funds Network (NRPF) Briefing February 2009

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on extended presentation by Professor James Hathaway on Article 1F and Article 33.2 of the Refugee Convention 3 March 2009

Note on extended presentation by Professor James Hathaway on Article 1F and Article 33.2 of the Refugee Convention 3 March 2009

Mailing or Enclosure

Casenote on the decision of the ECtHR in KRS v UK Application 32733/08 by Nuala Mole of 8 March 2009

Casenote on the decision of the ECtHR in KRS v UK Application 32733/08 by Nuala Mole of 8 March 2009

Mailing or Enclosure

Casenote on X v SSHD 19 February 2009 removal without notice by Nick Armstrong and Nicola Cockburn of 5 March 2009 plus Detention Service Order 07/2008

Casenote on X v SSHD 19 February 2009 removal without notice by Nick Armstrong and Nicola Cockburn of 5 March 2009 plus Detention Service Order 07/2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Casenote on AT v Dulghieru [2009] EWHC 229 (QB) by Jawaid Luqmani of 3 March 2009

Casenote on AT v Dulghieru [2009] EWHC 229 (QB) by Jawaid Luqmani of 3 March 2009

Mailing or Enclosure

Casenote: Decision of the European Court of Human Rights Sivanathan v the United Kindom 3 February 2009, Appl. No. 38108/07 by Nuala Mole

Casenote: Decision of the European Court of Human Rights Sivanathan v the United Kindom 3 February 2009, Appl. No. 38108/07 by Nuala Mole

Mailing or Enclosure

Focus on ILPA: Representation of ILPA at Stakeholder and other meetings: roles and responsibilities

Focus on ILPA: Representation of ILPA at Stakeholder and other meetings: roles and responsibilities