Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on UK Border Agency consultation event on draft Code of Practice for keeping children safe from harm, 11 April 2008

Note on UK Border Agency consultation event on draft Code of Practice for keeping children safe from harm, 11 April 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Matthew Coats, Stategic Director, Asylum, BIA to ILPA of 28 March 2008 re asylum interviews of unaccompanied children and young people

Matthew Coats, Stategic Director, Asylum, BIA to ILPA of 28 March 2008 re asylum interviews of unaccompanied children and young people

Mailing or Enclosure

Information Systems and Technology Directorate, UK Border Agency to ILPA of 1 April 2008 re policy contacts for archived guidance

Information Systems and Technology Directorate, UK Border Agency to ILPA of 1 April 2008 re policy contacts for archived guidance

Mailing or Enclosure

Gillian Haimes, Asylum Policy, BIA to members of National Asylum Support Forum of 28 March 2008 re new regulations on ARC – Asylum Registration Card (ARC)

Gillian Haimes, Asylum Policy, BIA to members of National Asylum Support Forum of 28 March 2008 re new regulations on ARC – Asylum Registration Card (ARC)

Mailing or Enclosure

Complaints Audit Committee Conference – 17 March 2008 Key points from speech given by Dr Ann Barker, slides from conference presentations

Complaints Audit Committee Conference – 17 March 2008 Key points from speech given by Dr Ann Barker, slides from conference presentations

Mailing or Enclosure

Minutes from BIA North-West Operational Stakeholder Forum of 12 March 2008

Minutes from BIA North-West Operational Stakeholder Forum of 12 March 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on Case Resolution Stakeholder subgroup, 10 April 2008 with Appendix on notification of consideration by Case Resolution Directorate and minutes of Case Resolution Stakeholder subgroup, Meeting no. 5 held on 3 March 2008

Note on Case Resolution Stakeholder subgroup, 10 April 2008 with Appendix on notification of consideration by Case Resolution Directorate and minutes of Case Resolution Stakeholder subgroup, Meeting no. 5 held […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Emily Miles, Director, Case Resolution Directorate to Refugee Council of 28 February 2008 re initial applications for asylum or for further leave made by unaccompanied children

Emily Miles, Director, Case Resolution Directorate to Refugee Council of 28 February 2008 re initial applications for asylum or for further leave made by unaccompanied children

Mailing or Enclosure

Ukvisas to Rt Hon Keith Vaz Esq MP, Chairman, Home Affairs Select Committee of 31 March 2008 re work of Ukvisas to transfer fo the UK Border Agency of the Home Office

Ukvisas to Rt Hon Keith Vaz Esq MP, Chairman, Home Affairs Select Committee of 31 March 2008 re work of Ukvisas to transfer fo the UK Border Agency of the […]