Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Note from Alison Harvey on BIA Corporate Stakeholder Group meeting of 23 July 2007

Note from Alison Harvey on BIA Corporate Stakeholder Group meeting of 23 July 2007

Mailing or Enclosure

BIA to ILPA of 20 August 2007 re National Asylum Stakeholders Forum Case Resolution sub-forum

BIA to ILPA of 20 August 2007 re National Asylum Stakeholders Forum Case Resolution sub-forum

Mailing or Enclosure

BIA Minutes of National Asylum Stakeholder Forum, Meeting No 1, on 12 July 2007

BIA Minutes of National Asylum Stakeholder Forum, Meeting No 1, on 12 July 2007

Mailing or Enclosure

Refugee Council to BIA of 10 July 2007 re National Asylum Stakeholder Forum

Refugee Council to BIA of 10 July 2007 re National Asylum Stakeholder Forum

Mailing or Enclosure

Note from Alison Harvey on launch of Ukvisas Annual Report 8 August 2007

Note from Alison Harvey on launch of Ukvisas Annual Report 8 August 2007

Mailing or Enclosure

British Embassy Addis Ababa to Wilson and Co Solicitors of 6 August 2007 re application for family reunion

British Embassy Addis Ababa to Wilson and Co Solicitors of 6 August 2007 re application for family reunion

Mailing or Enclosure

Communication from the Student Loans Company to 11 Million re Student Support re interpretation of the Education (Student Support) Regulations

Communication from the Student Loans Company to 11 Million re Student Support re interpretation of the Education (Student Support) Regulations

Mailing or Enclosure

Note from Alison Harvey of 11 August 2007 on Joint Committee on Human Rights : Highly Skilled Migrants : Changes to the Immigration Rules

Note from Alison Harvey of 11 August 2007 on Joint Committee on Human Rights : Highly Skilled Migrants : Changes to the Immigration Rules

Mailing or Enclosure

Note from Steve Symonds of 2 August 2007 on Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill : Special Immigration Status

Note from Steve Symonds of 2 August 2007 on Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill : Special Immigration Status