Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Asylum and Appeals Policy Directorate, IND to ILPA of 9 August 2006, Section 2 statistics update for the period 01/01/06 to 31/05/06, VARRP, contact management/electronic monitoring – update for August APSG

Asylum and Appeals Policy Directorate, IND to ILPA of 9 August 2006, Section 2 statistics update for the period 01/01/06 to 31/05/06, VARRP, contact management/electronic monitoring – update for August […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Asylum Policy Unit, IND to Asylum Policy Stakeholder Group members of 31 July 2006 re changes to policy regarding countersignatures on Home Office travel document applications

Asylum Policy Unit, IND to Asylum Policy Stakeholder Group members of 31 July 2006 re changes to policy regarding countersignatures on Home Office travel document applications

Mailing or Enclosure

Note by Sue Willman, Pierce Glyn Solicitors and Alasdair Mackenzie, Doughty Street Chambers of 17 August 2006 re travel expenses for asylum seekers/ failed asylum seekers who are required to report to Immigration Service

Note by Sue Willman, Pierce Glyn Solicitors and Alasdair Mackenzie, Doughty Street Chambers of 17 August 2006 re travel expenses for asylum seekers/ failed asylum seekers who are required to […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Note by Sheona York, Hammersmith and Fulham Law Centre of 28 July 2006 on National Asylum Support Forum held on 27 July 2006. ‘The end of NASS? The end of NASF? Home Office IND regionalisation. New practical arrangements and other matters’.

Note by Sheona York, Hammersmith and Fulham Law Centre of 28 July 2006 on National Asylum Support Forum held on 27 July 2006. ‘The end of NASS? The end of […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Ministerial Statement of 19 July 2006 re Foreign National Prisoners (Deportation and Removal)

Ministerial Statement of 19 July 2006 re Foreign National Prisoners (Deportation and Removal)

Mailing or Enclosure

Enforcement Policy Unit, Enforcement and Removal Directorate, Immigration Service interim Operational Instruction of 12 April 2006 re handling threats of and applications for Judical Review in removal cases

Enforcement Policy Unit, Enforcement and Removal Directorate, Immigration Service interim Operational Instruction of 12 April 2006 re handling threats of and applications for Judical Review in removal cases

Mailing or Enclosure

Work Permits (UK), Managed Migration, IND to ILPA of 18 July 2006 re Business Casework Unit (BCU)

Work Permits (UK), Managed Migration, IND to ILPA of 18 July 2006 re Business Casework Unit (BCU)

Mailing or Enclosure

Tanburghs Solicitors to ILPA of 17 July 2006 re information requested from Work Permits (UK) Ethnic Media Table

Tanburghs Solicitors to ILPA of 17 July 2006 re information requested from Work Permits (UK) Ethnic Media Table

Mailing or Enclosure

PQ and Answer (25 July 2006) on provision of publicly funded immigration work : immigration solicitors

PQ and Answer (25 July 2006) on provision of publicly funded immigration work : immigration solicitors