Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Country Specfic Asylum Policy Team, IND to Corbin and Hassan of 5 April 2006 re ELR policy on Angolan nationals

Country Specfic Asylum Policy Team, IND to Corbin and Hassan of 5 April 2006 re ELR policy on Angolan nationals

Mailing or Enclosure

Immigration Service Operational Instruction of 10 February 2006 as circulated on 4 April 2006 re Suitability for Detained Fast Track Asylum Process at Oakington, Harmondsworth and Yarl’s Wood

Immigration Service Operational Instruction of 10 February 2006 as circulated on 4 April 2006 re Suitability for Detained Fast Track Asylum Process at Oakington, Harmondsworth and Yarl’s Wood

Mailing or Enclosure

Minutes of New Asylum Model External Stakeholder Group Workshop on 10 March 2006

Minutes of New Asylum Model External Stakeholder Group Workshop on 10 March 2006

Mailing or Enclosure

The Law Society note of New Asylum Model, NAM meeting at the Law Society on 14 March 2006

The Law Society note of New Asylum Model, NAM meeting at the Law Society on 14 March 2006

Mailing or Enclosure

Director of Operations NASS, IND to NASF members of 7 April 2006, re NASS regional offices

Director of Operations NASS, IND to NASF members of 7 April 2006, re NASS regional offices

Mailing or Enclosure

National Asylum Stakeholder Forum (NASF) meeting no. 11 12 January 2006, Transition factsheet April 2006, ISP information sheet April 2006

National Asylum Stakeholder Forum (NASF)  meeting no. 11 12 January 2006, Transition factsheet April 2006, ISP information sheet April 2006

Mailing or Enclosure

NASS Central Information and Advice Unit to NASF members of 21 April 2006 re Minutes of Section 4 – Long Term Support meeting held on 21 March 2006

NASS Central Information and Advice Unit to NASF members of 21 April 2006 re Minutes of Section 4 – Long Term Support meeting held on 21 March 2006

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA to The Law Society of 20 March 2006 and The Law Society to ILPA of 4 April 2006 re Law Society Practice on Intervention into Immigration Practices

ILPA to The Law Society of 20 March 2006 and The Law Society to ILPA of 4 April 2006 re Law Society Practice on Intervention into Immigration Practices

Mailing or Enclosure

Case note: R v SSHD on the application of Baiai et ors [2006] EWHC 823 Admin. (Certificate of Approval: marriage) by Sheikh and Co Solicitors, 23 April 2006

Case note: R v SSHD on the application of Baiai et ors [2006] EWHC 823 Admin. (Certificate of Approval: marriage) by Sheikh and Co Solicitors, 23 April 2006