Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

ECRE to ILPA of 19 October 2004 re ECRE information note on the Qualification Directive

ECRE to ILPA of 19 October 2004 re ECRE information note on the Qualification Directive

Mailing or Enclosure

UNHCR email to ILPA of 22 October 2004 and UNHCR return advisory regarding Iraqi asylum seekers and refugees

UNHCR email to ILPA of 22 October 2004 and UNHCR return advisory regarding Iraqi asylum seekers and refugees

Mailing or Enclosure

note on challenge to the decision to detain a minor whose age was disputed. Nick Blake and Charlotte Kilroy

note on challenge to the decision to detain a minor whose age was disputed. Nick Blake and Charlotte Kilroy

Mailing or Enclosure

invitation to submit evidence to a dossier from BID and Asylum Aid of October 2004 – how have the cuts in egal aid for asylum and immigration work affected you?

invitation to submit evidence to a dossier from BID and Asylum Aid of October 2004 – how have the cuts in egal aid for asylum and immigration work affected you?

Mailing or Enclosure

NCDAC news service of 20 October 2004 re not so much the right to family life but the right to have a family

NCDAC news service of 20 October 2004 re not so much the right to family life but the right to have a family

Mailing or Enclosure

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) New measures to tackle forced marriage 27 October 2004

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) New measures to tackle forced marriage 27 October 2004

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) Promoting human rights, respecting individual dignity: news measure to tackle forced marriage 27 October 2004 Press release 330/2004

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) Promoting human rights, respecting individual dignity: news measure to tackle forced marriage 27 October 2004 Press release 330/2004

Mailing or Enclosure

Wesley Gryk to Law Society, TLS re seminar on money laundering held on 4 November 2004 27 September 2004 and reply 26 October 2004

Wesley Gryk to Law Society, TLS re seminar on money laundering held on 4 November 2004 27 September 2004 and reply 26 October 2004

Mailing or Enclosure

Legal Services Commission, LSC to Crowley and Company Solicitors re refusal of assistance to Afghan refugee

Legal Services Commission, LSC to Crowley and Company Solicitors re refusal of assistance to Afghan refugee.  Also includes letter from Crowley and Company to Chief  Adjudicator, Immigration Appellate Authority, Newport