Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Camden Community Law Centre to Home Office and reply Re: Prospective students 23 July 2001 and 16 August 2001

Camden Community Law Centre to Home Office and reply Re: Prospective students 23 July 2001 and 16 August 2001

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Dear Colleague letter Re: Clusters 6 August 2001

Home Office Dear Colleague letter Re: Clusters 6 August 2001

Mailing or Enclosure

Wilson and Co to Joint Entry Clearance Unit (and reply) re unmarried partners rule 2 August 2001

Wilson and Co to Joint Entry Clearance Unit (and reply) re unmarried partners rule 2 August 2001

Mailing or Enclosure

Practice Directions of 27 July 2001 re Bail Applications; Applications for Adjournments; Standard Directions

Practice Directions of 27 July 2001 re Bail Applications; Applications for Adjournments; Standard Directions

Mailing or Enclosure

Margaret Phelan to ILPA of 24 July 2001 re Paramsothy Sivakumar v SSHD

Margaret Phelan to ILPA of 24 July 2001 re Paramsothy Sivakumar v SSHD

Mailing or Enclosure

Shahram Taghavi to ILPA of 6 August 2001 re R-v-SSHD ex-parte Sedrati, Buitrago-Lopez and Anaghatu

Shahram Taghavi to ILPA of 6 August 2001 re R-v-SSHD ex-parte Sedrati, Buitrago-Lopez and Anaghatu

Mailing or Enclosure

N Berkowitz, IAA to ILPA of August 2001 re SSHD v KACAJ [01/TH/0634*]

N Berkowitz, IAA to ILPA of August 2001 re SSHD v KACAJ [01/TH/0634*]

Mailing or Enclosure

Refugee Legal Centre External Information Service CD Rom Subscription Service Application Form

Refugee Legal Centre External Information Service CD Rom Subscription Service Application Form

Mailing or Enclosure

Note from Community Liaison Unit of FCO on Forced Marriage

Note from Community Liaison Unit of FCO on Forced Marriage