Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Bhogal Lal Solicitors to ILPA of 15 November 2000 re. Dispersal arrangements for asylum seekers

Bhogal Lal Solicitors to ILPA of 15 November 2000 re. Dispersal arrangements for asylum seekers

Mailing or Enclosure

The Rt Hon Shirley Williams to ILPA of 22 November 2000 enclosing the Lord Chancellor to the Rt Hon Shirley Williams of 17 November 2000 re. Fees for family visit visa appeals

The Rt Hon Shirley Williams to ILPA of 22 November 2000 enclosing the Lord Chancellor to the Rt Hon Shirley Williams of 17 November 2000 re. Fees for family visit […]

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to all members of the Asylum Processes Stakeholder Group of 29 November 2000 re. Changes to the SEF procedures

IND to all members of the Asylum Processes Stakeholder Group of 29 November 2000 re. Changes to the SEF procedures

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office – NASS Policy Unit to Steve Cohen of 3 November 2000 re. Asylum Support Issues

Home Office – NASS Policy Unit to Steve Cohen of 3 November 2000 re. Asylum Support Issues

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to ILPA of 9 November 2000 re. National Asylum Support Service: Vouchers Review

IND to ILPA of 9 November 2000 re. National Asylum Support Service: Vouchers Review

Mailing or Enclosure

Correspondence between UKCOSA and IND of 24 November and 5 December 2000 re. FLR(S) Application form and definition of public funds & recourse to public funds and reciprocal arrangements

Correspondence between UKCOSA and IND of 24 November and 5 December 2000 re. FLR(S) Application form and definition of public funds & recourse to public funds and reciprocal arrangements

Mailing or Enclosure

Powell & Co to ILPA of 8 December 2000 enclosing Lord Bassam of Brighton to John Austin, MP, of 21 November 2000 re. Frequency of asylum interviews outside London

Powell & Co to ILPA of 8 December 2000 enclosing Lord Bassam of Brighton to John Austin, MP, of 21 November 2000 re. Frequency of asylum interviews outside London

Mailing or Enclosure

Kathy Casey (IND) letter of 14 December 2000 re. Language analysis

Kathy Casey (IND) letter of 14 December 2000 re. Language analysis

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to Glazer Delmar of 24 November 2000 enclosing IND Notice 7/00: Open Government and IND

IND to Glazer Delmar of 24 November 2000 enclosing IND Notice 7/00: Open Government and IND