Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Suchak & Co to ILPA of 19 June 2000 enclosing Suchak & Co to IND of 6 June and IND to Suchak & Co of 12 June 2000 re. LONG RESIDENCE CONCESSION

Suchak & Co to ILPA of 19 June 2000 enclosing Suchak & Co to IND of 6 June and IND to Suchak & Co of 12 June 2000 re. LONG […]

Mailing or Enclosure

IND document re. INNOVATORS, taken from Home Office website, 2 August 2000

IND document re. INNOVATORS, taken from Home Office website, 2 August 2000

Mailing or Enclosure

Bindman & Partners to ILPA of 7 July 2000 enclosing letters from IND to Bindman & Partners of 18 January and 30 June 2000 re. ENDORSEMENT OF INDEFINITE LEAVE TO ENTER THROUGH ERROR

Bindman & Partners to ILPA of 7 July 2000 enclosing letters from IND to Bindman & Partners of 18 January and 30 June 2000 re. ENDORSEMENT OF INDEFINITE LEAVE TO […]

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to CMS Cameron McKenna or 28 March 2000 re. INDEFINITE LEAVE TO REMAIN

IND to CMS Cameron McKenna or 28 March 2000 re. INDEFINITE LEAVE TO REMAIN

Mailing or Enclosure

Overseas Labour Service to CMS Cameron McKenna or 3 August 2000 re. IMMIGRATION ACT 1971 – THE WORK PERMIT SCHEME

Overseas Labour Service to CMS Cameron McKenna or 3 August 2000 re. IMMIGRATION ACT 1971 – THE WORK PERMIT SCHEME

Mailing or Enclosure

Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Camden Community Law Centre of 30 March 2000 re. WORKING HOLIDAYMAKERS: STATISTICS

Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Camden Community Law Centre of 30 March 2000 re. WORKING HOLIDAYMAKERS: STATISTICS

Mailing or Enclosure

Extract from Liaison News, May-June 2000, “’Civil Dialogue’: The ACP agree but will the Commission follow?” by James Mackie

Extract from Liaison News, May-June 2000, “’Civil Dialogue’: The ACP agree but will the Commission follow?” by James Mackie

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) Asylum Policy Instruction (API) Chapter 1 Section 1 – Handling claims August 2000

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) Asylum Policy Instruction (API) Chapter 1 Section 1 – Handling claims August 2000

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) Asylum Policy Instruction (API) Chapter 2 Section 9 – Claims made by EU nationals August 2000

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) Asylum Policy Instruction (API) Chapter 2 Section 9 – Claims made by EU nationals August 2000