Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

R (on the application of Ayache) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department (paragraph 353 and s94B relationship) [2017] UKUT 00122 (IAC)

1. Although paragraph 353 does not refer in terms to certification, a decision certified pursuant to s 94b is plainly a decision on a “human rights claim” albeit a claim […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Note by Cynthia Orchard of meeting with Home Office and non-governmental organisations re statelessness, 9 March 2017

With thanks to Cynthia Orchard of Asylum Aid for preparing such a detailed note

Mailing or Enclosure

SF and others (Guidance, post–2014 Act) Albania [2017] UKUT 00120 (IAC)

Head note Even in the absence of a “not in accordance with the law” ground of appeal, the Tribunal ought to take the Secretary of State’s guidance into account if […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Letter re charter flight to Nigeria and Ghana, 28 March 2017 at 23.30h, 21 March 2017

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office guidance and application form (ASF2) for applications for additional support under s.96(2) Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

The Home Office has finally published guidance and an application form for applying for additional support under s.96(2) of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. This makes provision for additional […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Jed Pennington and Tim Buley note on immigration detention policies including the statutory guidance on adults at risk, 21 March 2017

We are grateful to Jed Pennington of Bhatt Murphy solicitors and Tim Buley of Landmark Chambers for this practitioner note on Home Office published policies on immigration detention and the […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Response from NHS England to Freedom of Information request submitted by Medical Justice re communication from NHS England to Healthcare providers and healthcare staff in Immigration Removal Centres concerning ‘Adults at Risk’ ,14 March 2017

With thanks to Theresa Schleicher and Kris Harris of Medical Justice From: “FOI, England (NHS ENGLAND)” <<>> Date: 14/03/2017 16:26 (GMT+00:00) To:<> Subject: Freedom of Information-Response (Our Ref: FOI-052612) […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Email from Grazia Trivedi of Legal Aid Agency to Civil Contract Consultative Group re change of date for the civil tender, 17 March 2017

From: Trivedi, Grazia (LAA) [] Sent: 17 March 2017 14:42 Subject: CivilCCG – change of date for the civil tender 17 March 2017: procurement update – civil 2018 contract We […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration follow up inspection to 2014 inspection of the nationality directorate, with a focus on good character (15 March 2017)

The Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration is going to do a follow up inspection, following up on the inspectorate’s 2014 inspection of the nationality directorate: .  The inspection […]