Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Freedom of Information request response: immigration detainees in prison

  With thanks to Ali McGinley of the Association for Visitors to Immigration Detainees. AVID has been submitting FOI requests to find out which prisons are holding immigration detainees.  Latest […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Guidance ‘Violence against women and girls: service transformation fund’

Mailing or Enclosure

Enforced returns to Nigeria and Ghana on 31 January 2017, departing at 22.30 hrs. Letter of 24 January 2017.

Mailing or Enclosure

ELENA Weekly Legal Update 23 January 2017

ELENA Weekly Legal Update 23 January 2017

Mailing or Enclosure

BA (Returns to Baghdad) Iraq CG [2017] UKUT 00018 (IAC)

(i) The level of general violence in Baghdad city remains significant, but the current evidence does not justify departing from the conclusion of the Tribunal in AA (Article 15(c)) Iraq […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Lords Library Note ‘Leaving the European Union: The Single Market, the Rights of EU Citizens in the UK and the UK’s Future Economic Requirements’, LLN 2017/006, 20 January 2017

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Visas and Immigration Guidance: Apply for a UK visa in Australia

UK Visas and Immigration Guidance: Apply for a UK visa in Australia Read this document if you’re in Australia and you need to find out how to apply for a […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Commons Library Briefing Paper ‘Brexit: what impact on those currently exercising free movement rights?’ Number 7871 , 19 January 2017

Commons Library Briefing Paper ‘Brexit: what impact on those currently exercising free movement rights?’ Number 7871 , 19 January 2017

Mailing or Enclosure

Legal Aid Agency (LAA) Headline intentions in civil legal aid contracts from April 2018 (20 January 2017)

Legal Aid Agency (LAA) Headline intentions in civil legal aid contracts from April 2018  (20 January 2017) The Legal Aid Agency has published a headline intentions document setting out the agency’s […]