Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Qadir v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWCA Civ 1167

ILPA note The Home Office conceded its appeal against the Upper Tribunal decision in SM and Qadir (ETS – Evidence – Burden of Proof) [2016] UKUT 229 (IAC), 21 April […]

Mailing or Enclosure

ASAP Asylum Support update for Housing & Immigration Group (5th Dec 2016)

ASAP Asylum Support update for Housing & Immigration Group (5th Dec 2016)

Mailing or Enclosure

Definition of torture in the context of immigration detention policy, Position Statement PS07/16, Royal College of Psychiatrists, December 2016

Definition of torture in the context of immigration detention policy, Position Statement PS07/16, Royal College of Psychiatrists, December 2016 

Mailing or Enclosure

Clive Peckover, Asylum and Family Policy Unit, Home Office to ILPA of 8 December 2016 re Appendix FM to the Immigration Rules: Adult Dependent Relatives

Clive Peckover, Asylum and Family Policy Unit, Home Office to ILPA of 8 December 2016 re Appendix FM to the Immigration Rules: Adult Dependent Relatives

Mailing or Enclosure

Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee Seventeenth Report 17th Report of Session 2016-17 – published 8 December 2016 – HL Paper 75 including: correspondence on the new Regulations and Minister’s responses to the Committee (Appendix 1)

Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee Seventeenth Report 17th Report of Session 2016-17 – published 8 December 2016 – HL Paper 75 including: correspondence on the new Regulations and Minister’s responses to […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Commons Home Affairs Committee publishes correspondence with the Home Office regarding English-language testing (09 December 2016)

Commons Home Affairs Committee publishes correspondence with the Home Office regarding English-language testing (09 December 2016)

Mailing or Enclosure

New UKVI Guidance on Criminal casework: bail applications: action after a bail hearing or decision (09 December 2016)

New UKVI Guidance on Criminal casework: bail applications: action after a bail hearing or decision (09 December 2016)

Mailing or Enclosure

Lords debate on Higher Education & Research Bill (06 December 2016)

Lords debate on Higher Education & Research Bill (06 December 2016)

Mailing or Enclosure

Commons Delegated Legislation Committee debate on Draft Immigration Act 2014 (Current Accounts) (Excluded Accounts and Notification Requirements) Regulations 2016 (06 December 2016)

Commons Delegated Legislation Committee debate on Draft Immigration Act 2014 (Current Accounts) (Excluded Accounts and Notification Requirements) Regulations 2016 (06 December 2016)    Below is also a link to the […]