Category: Minutes

Minutes | Removals, Detention and Offences

Agenda for ILPA Removals, detention and offences working group meeting 26th July 2017

Minutes | Scotland

ILPA Scotland working group meeting minutes 1st June 2017

Minutes | Economic Migration

Agenda for ILPA Economic Working Group Meeting 5 July 2017

 ILPA Economic Migration working group meeting Wednesday 5 July 2017, 6.30 pm, Macfarlanes LLP, 20 Cursitor St, London EC4A 1LT Agenda   Approval of minutes of last meeting Continued experiences of […]

Mailing or Enclosure | European

Agenda for ILPA European Working Group Meeting of 27 June 2017

Mailing or Enclosure | Family and Personal Migration

Minutes of ILPA Family and Personal Migration Working Group Meeting of 14 June 2017

Mailing or Enclosure | European

Minutes of ILPA European Working Group Meeting of 23 May 2017

Mailing or Enclosure | Southern

Agenda for ILPA Southern working group meeting 20 June 2017

Minutes | New York

ILPA New York Working Group – minutes of meeting on 25th May 2017

Minutes | Refugee

Agenda for ILPA Refugee Working Group Meeting 19 June 2017

ILPA Refugee Working Group – Refugee Week Meeting Agenda for meeting on Monday 19 June 2017 at 6.30pm to 8.00pm       VENUE – ILPAs Offices  1.       Members and others present and […]