Category: ILPA documents

Here you will find all resources produced by ILPA

ILPA documents | Family and Personal Migration

ILPA Letter to Home Office Re: Updated Fee Waiver Guidance for Entry Clearance Applications (9 September 2021)

ILPA documents | South West

ILPA South West Working Group Meeting Minutes 24 May 2021

ILPA documents | Scotland

ILPA Scotland Working Group Meeting Minutes 27 May 2021

ILPA documents | Courts and Tribunals

ILPA Follow-up Letter to Judge Clements, President – FtTIAC (25 August 2021)

Please see below ILPA’s follow-up letter to Judge Clements regarding a new procedure in the First-tier Tribunal. ILPA’s original letter can be read here and Judge Clements’ response can be […]

ILPA documents | Refugee

Letter from ILPA and the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association (24 August 2021)

ILPA and the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association, have written to the government setting out actions required to facilitate the effective evacuation, resettlement and immediate protection of Afghan citizens. Please […]

ILPA documents

Support to the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association

ILPA Members Volunteer lawyers to provide support to the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association Dear Members, We are compiling a list of lawyers for ACAA to help them direct queries. […]

ILPA documents | Refugee

Afghanistan – volunteer lawyers needed

Dear Members, A googlegroup has been set up to deal specifically with information sharing, coordination of volunteer lawyers and lobbying on Afghanistan. If you would like to join, please email Allan […]

ILPA documents | Family and Personal Migration

ILPA Letter to Home Office Re: Family Court Orders (4 August 2021)

ILPA documents

SLF Update: July 2021

The Strategic Legal Fund supports grantees to achieve successful strategic litigation and interventions with the aim to improve implementation and enforcement of policies for people discriminated or disadvantaged by their […]