Category: ILPA documents

Here you will find all resources produced by ILPA

ILPA documents | Refugee

New Plan for Immigration

ILPA has been invited to and is attending the following round table meetings: 21 April 2021 – Asylum Reform (BritainThinks) Agenda for the session: Welcome, overview of session and introductions  […]

ILPA documents | Economic Migration

Minutes of ILPA Economic Migration Working Group Meeting 10.03.21

ILPA documents

Notice from HMCTS

A notice from HMCTS regarding how to head urgent emails.

ILPA documents | Legal Aid

Legal Aid Census – Joint open letter to the Legal Aid Community (12 April 2021)

LAPG launches 2021 Legal Aid Census ‘to show true state of social justice sector’. Lawyers across England and Wales are urged to ‘stand up and be counted’, by taking part […]

ILPA documents | Family and Personal Migration

Agenda and minutes for Family and Personal Migration Working Group – 07 April 2021

ILPA Family and Personal Migration Working Group 7 April 2021 | Zoom | 17:00 AGENDA Minutes and matters arising COVID update Fee waivers Relevant changes in the Statement of Changes […]

ILPA documents | European

Agenda and minutes for European Working Group – 8 April 2021

ILPA European Working Group Meeting 8 April 2021 | Zoom | 17:00 AGENDA Legislative overview Procedures and processes EUSS Appeals Family members and extended family members  Children Vulnerable individuals and […]

ILPA documents

ILPA/The Law Society meeting with George Shirley of UKVI on 25th February 2021 to discuss Coronavirus (Covid)- related policy issues

Please find below ILPA’s note of the meeting held on the 25th February 2021. Also attached is a document outlining the questions and issues raised by ILPA and the Law […]

ILPA documents | Well-being

ILPA Well-being Newsletter Edition No.13

Dear Member,  Welcome to your monthly well-being newsletter.  Written by Julianna Barker, Apprentice Legal Executive at Stone King LLP and ILPA Well-being Ambassador During these uncertain times ILPA is dedicated to ensuring that […]

ILPA documents

ILPA Monthly March 2021 – Membership Update

Members, thank you for all your continued support over the last difficult year. As we are coming into Spring our Well-Being Working group have some great tips and resources for […]