Category: ILPA documents

Here you will find all resources produced by ILPA

ILPA documents | European

Agenda and Minutes for European Working Group – 25 January 2021

ILPA European Working Group Meeting 25 January 2021 | Zoom | 17:00 AGENDA Introductions and matters arising from previous minutes CSI and naturalisation Family members of EEA nationals with pre-settled […]

ILPA documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Agenda and Minutes for Removals, Detention and Offences Working Group – 27 January 2021

ILPA Removals, Detention and Offences Working Group Meeting 27 January 2021 | Zoom | 17:30 AGENDA Introductions. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising. Army barracks as accommodation. Removals and […]

ILPA documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) open letter to the Home Office re: the use of prisons for immigration detention (4 December 2020); Home Office response (18 January 2021)

ILPA documents | Economic Migration

Agenda and minutes for Economic Migration Working Group – 20 January 2021

ILPA Economic Migration Working Group Meeting 20 January 2021 | Zoom | 17:00 AGENDA Introductions and matters arising from previous minutes. COVID: Awaiting a decision on work visa applications Switching […]

ILPA documents | Family and Personal Migration

Independent Human Rights Act Review (13 January 2021)

The Independent Human Rights Act Review’s call for evidence closes on 3 March 2021. The Review addresses two overarching themes: 1. The relationship between domestic courts and the European Court of Human […]

ILPA documents | Courts and Tribunals

ILPA’s response to consultation on Court of Appeal reforms (11 January 2021)

With thanks to all who contributed, ILPA’s response to the consultation on reforms to arrangements for obtaining permission to the Court of Appeal is below.

ILPA documents | Refugee

Refugee Legal Support (RLS) is recruiting – Family Reunion From Europe (FRFE) Pro Bono Project (7 January 2021)

RLS is recruiting for two roles starting early in the New Year for a new refugee family reunion in Europe post Brexit project. Please find the details below.

ILPA documents

ILPA Patron announced

ILPA is delighted to announce that we have appointed Adrian Berry of Garden Court Chambers as a Patron of ILPA.  As members will know Adrian stood down as Chair of […]

ILPA documents | Economic Migration

ILPA and UKVI minutes re: Third Party Contractors (17 December 2020)