Category: ILPA documents

Here you will find all resources produced by ILPA

ILPA documents

ILPA Brexit Advocacy Series – Securing EEA Nationals Residency Rights – Matthew Evans

ILPA documents

ILPA Brexit Advocacy Series – Rights to Remain after Brexit- Bernard Ryan

ILPA documents

Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law Style Guide

Please refer to the guide when preparing an article for submission to the JIANL. Updated April 2018 – contains a word count guide for an article submission (typically 8 to 10 […]

ILPA documents

ILPA Office Assistant and Training Administrator – Application Pack

ILPA documents

ILPA Office Assistant and Training Administrator – Equal Opportunities Form

ILPA documents

ILPA Office Assistant and Training Administrator – Application Form

ILPA documents

Information sheet: Statelessness and applications for leave to remain

ILPA has published a best practice guide to advising and representing clients considering or making an application for statelessness leave in the UK: Statelessness and applications for leave to remain: […]

ILPA documents

Information Sheet: Family migration – new English language requirements for partners and parents applying for further leave under Appendix FM (5-year route)

The Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 667, published on 03 November 2016, announced a significant change affecting those applying for further leave to remain as a partner or […]

ILPA documents

Information sheet: Overstayers – New Immigration Rules

The Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 667, published on 03 November 2016, made changes to the circumstances in which a period of overstaying will be disregarded when a […]