ILPA submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights for its inquiry into separated children, 26 October 2012

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ILPA submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights for its inquiry into separated children, 26 October 2012


 1.      October 2012 meeting of Ministry of Justice and Home Office officials with representatives of ILPA, of the Local Government Association, of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner and of other NGOs re legal advice for separated children and letter of the OISC of 5 October 2012 subsequent to the meeting. (Committee and ILPA members only)

 2.      8 May 2012 Letter of Jonathan Djanogly MP to ILPA re legal aid

 3.      4 April 2012  ILPA note of meeting of with Zilla Bowell, Lynne Spiers and Ian Cheeseman of the UK Border Agency (Committee and ILPA members only)

 4.      March 2012 ILPA’s letter to the Rt Hon Lord Wallace of Tankerness QC of 15 March 2012 and his reply of 26 March 2012

 5.      7 February 2011 response to the Freedom of Information request from Mahmud Quayum of Camden Community Law Centre: details of training on section 55 received by details of training received by the entry clearance staff and entry clearance managers in Dhaka and Abu Dhabi.

 6.      September 2010 UK Border Agency Best interests training powerpoint of as circulated to the National Asylum Stakeholder Forum on 2 December 2010..(Committee and ILPA members only)


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