Resource Archive

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Home Office Documents | European

Immigration Act 2014 – appeals: caseworker guidance (20 June 2023)

The version 14.0 Guidance has been updated below to reflect amendments made to the Immigration Citizens’ Rights Appeals (EU Exit) Regulations 2020.

Home Office Documents | Economic Migration

Introduction to the sponsorship management system: SMS guide 1 (22 June 2023)

The guidance has been updated below to reflect the fact that a National Insurance number (NINO) is now mandatory for Level 1 users.

Home Office Documents | Economic Migration

Points-based system sponsor licensing – applications: caseworker guidance (21 June 2023)

An update has been added to version 23.0 of the Immigration staff guidance below, adding details of endorsement process for Scale-up applications.

Home Office Documents | Family and Personal Migration

Family: customer service standards (26 June 2023)

The family visa service standards have been updated below. The Customer service standards for family visa applications if you’re applying from inside or outside the UK have also been updated […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

500 jobs to be created at new Home Office hub in Stoke-on-Trent (22 June 2023)

This ‘news story’ has been published below.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Biometric information: caseworker guidance (23 June 2023)

The guidance setting the policy requirements for the reuse of biometric information for immigration and citizenship purposes has been updated below.

ILPA documents | ILPA Weekly Update

ILPA Weekly Update (26 June 2023)

ILPA Members Welcome to the weekly members’ email, with news from the Legal Team, and a reminder to complete our survey on legal aid services before Friday’s deadline, updates from the […]

Briefing | Refugee

Illegal Migration Bill: Joint Briefing on Clauses 10-12 (26 June 2023)

Please see the below Joint Briefing summarising existing mechanisms for judicial scrutiny of immigration detention and the impact the Bill’s provisions will have on such scrutiny.

Minutes | Scotland

Minutes of ILPA Scotland Working Group on 8 June 2023

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on