Resource Archive

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Home Office Documents | Refugee

Letter from Home Office to SEG Members Re: Dispersal Accommodation (18 April 2023)

Please see the letter below sent to members of the Home Office’s Asylum Strategic Engagement Group. Please note that ILPA has been permitted to share this with ILPA members but […]

Home Office Documents | Family and Personal Migration

Hong Kong British National (Overseas) route (17 April 2023)

Version 8.0 of the guidance has been published below, updated to:

ILPA documents | ILPA Weekly Update

ILPA Weekly Update (17 April 2023)

Welcome to the weekly members’ email, with details of our 2023 Members’ Survey, updates from our legal team, news of our Working Group meetings, reminders of our training and events, Home Office […]

ILPA documents | Courts and Tribunals

ILPA Call for Evidence on Work of Immigration Tribunals (April 2023)

Further to the emails circulated to ILPA members and the Courts & Tribunals Working Group, ILPA will be giving oral evidence on the work of the Immigration Tribunals at a […]

ILPA documents | European

ILPA Letter to Home Office Re: Problems with EUSS Email Communications and Durable Partners with Prior Unlawful Residence Applying as a Joining Family Member (6 April 2023)

With many thanks to Gabriella Bettiga of MGBe Legal and Chris Benn of Seraphus, as well as to ILPA’s European Working Group Co-convenors, please see below a letter to Neil […]

ILPA documents | Family and Personal Migration

ILPA Letter to Home Office Re: Delays with the Implementation of Successful Appeals (6 April 2023)

With many thanks to Andrew Jones and Katie Dilger of Wesley Gryk Solicitors, as well as Nath Gbikpi of Leigh Day Solicitors, please see below a letter from ILPA to […]

ILPA documents | Family and Personal Migration

ILPA Letter to Home Office Re: Issue with Returning Resident Grant Letters (6 April 2023)

With many thanks to Katie Dilger of Wesley Gryk Solicitors, please see below a letter from ILPA to George Shirley and Sally Weston at the Home Office regarding an issue […]

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Offender management: Caseworker guidance (14 April 2023)

The ‘Short term holding facility rules’ document has been updated below as follows:

Home Office Documents | Economic Migration

Workers and Temporary Workers: Guidance for Sponsors (12/13/14 April 2023)

The following guidance documents for sponsors have been updated to reflect changes to the Immigration Rules that came into force on 12 April 2023:

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