Resource Archive

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on

Mailing or Enclosure

Legal Services Commission leaflet on Legal Aid specialist support services from 1 July 2008 and Wilson and Co Solicitors leaftlet on the Immigration and Asylum service

Legal Services Commission leaflet on Legal Aid specialist support services from 1 July 2008 and Wilson and Co Solicitors leaftlet on the Immigration and Asylum service

Mailing or Enclosure

Legal Services Commission to ILPA of 11 July 2008 re changes to financial eligibility assessments under Controlled Work

Legal Services Commission to ILPA of 11 July 2008 re changes to financial eligibility assessments under Controlled Work

Mailing or Enclosure

Note of AIT Detainee Programme Stakeholders conference of 12 June 2008

Note of AIT Detainee Programme Stakeholders conference of 12 June 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Tribunals Service to John Campbell, SOAS of 18 June 2008 re response to Freedom of Information request country guidance and the Asylum and Immigraiton Tribunal

Tribunals Service to John Campbell, SOAS of 18 June 2008 re response to Freedom of Information request country guidance and the Asylum and Immigraiton Tribunal

Mailing or Enclosure

Paul Winslow, Her Majesty’s Court Service, Royal Courts of Justice to Wilson and Co of 23 June 2008 re Fee Remission Applications for Reconsideration Cases

Paul Winslow, Her Majesty’s Court Service, Royal Courts of Justice to Wilson and Co of 23 June 2008 re Fee Remission Applications for Reconsideration Cases

Mailing or Enclosure

Administrative Court Office of (received 10 July 2008) re overview of current position in the Administrative Court

Administrative Court Office of (received 10 July 2008) re overview of current position in the Administrative Court

Mailing or Enclosure

Correspondence between Laura Devine Solicitors and Points Based System Policy Unit, UK Border Agency of 16 and 19 June 2008 re Tier 1 (General) application

Correspondence between Laura Devine Solicitors and Points Based System Policy Unit, UK Border Agency of 16 and 19 June 2008 re Tier 1 (General) application

Mailing or Enclosure

Minutes of Case Resolution Stakeholder subgroup, meeting no 7 of 19 May 2008

Minutes of Case Resolution Stakeholder subgroup, meeting no 7 of 19 May 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Minutes of UK Border Agency Entry Clearance User Panel meeting of 21 May 2008 and Operational Guidance – Pilot Posts for IDENT1 (police databases)

Minutes of UK Border Agency Entry Clearance User Panel meeting of 21 May 2008 and Operational Guidance – Pilot Posts for IDENT1 (police databases)

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on