Resource Archive

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ILPA Briefing Changes to the General Grounds for Refusal in the Immigration Rules to be introduced by Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules HC 321 of May 2008

ILPA Briefing Changes to the General Grounds for Refusal in the Immigration Rules to be introduced by Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules HC 321 of May 2008

ILPA documents

Changes to the Immigration Rules – General Grounds for Refusal | May 2008

Changes to the Immigration Rules – General Grounds for Refusal | May 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Note from Alison Harvey of 20 May 2008 on UK Border Agency Interim Guidance on Adequate Reception Arrangements for Children

Note from Alison Harvey of 20 May 2008 on UK Border Agency Interim Guidance on Adequate Reception Arrangements for Children

Mailing or Enclosure

New Statutory Instruments and statement of changes in Immigration Rules May 2008

New Statutory Instruments and statement of changes in Immigration Rules May 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Focus on ILPA subcommittees – Children Subcommittee

Focus on ILPA subcommittees – Children Subcommittee

Mailing or Enclosure

Case note on High Court Judgement in R (A) v Secretary of State for Health (defendant) and West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust (interested party) CO/8095/2006 by Adam Hundt of 14 April 2008 with appendix – Department of Health to Chief Executives

Case note on High Court Judgement in R (A) v Secretary of State for Health (defendant) and West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust (interested party) CO/8095/2006 by Adam Hundt of […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Note by Sonia Routledge of Law Society pre-meeting for Civil Contracts Consultative Group (CCCG) of 24 April 2008

Note by Sonia Routledge of Law Society pre-meeting for Civil Contracts Consultative Group (CCCG) of 24 April 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on ILPA meeting with Judge Hodge, Asylum and Immigration Tibunal of 21 April 2008

Note on ILPA meeting with Judge Hodge, Asylum and Immigration Tibunal of 21 April 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Asylum and Immigration Tribunal to ILPA of 25 April 2008 re Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Reciepts, Decisions and Outstanding Appeals by case type from April 2003 – December 2007

Asylum and Immigration Tribunal to ILPA of 25 April 2008 re Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Reciepts, Decisions and Outstanding Appeals by case type from April 2003 – December 2007

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on