Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure

Minutes of Case Resolution Stakeholder subgroup, Meeting no 3. Held on 20 November 2007

Minutes of Case Resolution Stakeholder subgroup, Meeting no 3. Held on 20 November 2007

Mailing or Enclosure

BIA Case Resolution Directorate briefing note to external stakeholders of 18 December 2007

BIA Case Resolution Directorate briefing note to external stakeholders of 18 December 2007

Mailing or Enclosure

BIA Enforcement and Compaliance Secretariat to Mr R Low-Beer of 28 December 2007 response to freedom of information request on returns to Ethiopia

BIA Enforcement and Compaliance Secretariat to Mr R Low-Beer of 28 December 2007 response to freedom of information request on returns to Ethiopia

Mailing or Enclosure

Migration Strategic Directorate, BIA to ILPA of 7 January 2008 re Biometric Travel Documents projects

Migration Strategic Directorate, BIA to ILPA of 7 January 2008 re Biometric Travel Documents projects

Mailing or Enclosure

Management of Detained Cases Unit, BIA to ILPA of 7 January 2008 re abolition of MODCU and regionalisation of enforcement

Management of Detained Cases Unit, BIA to ILPA of 7 January 2008 re abolition of MODCU and regionalisation of enforcement

Mailing or Enclosure

BIA Migration Impacts Group – terms of reference and membership circulated 10 January 2008

BIA Migration Impacts Group – terms of reference and membership circulated 10 January 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Secretary’s speech "Shared Protection, Share Values: Next Steps on Migration" of 5 December 2007 at London School of Economics – Note by PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal LLP

Home Secretary’s speech "Shared Protection, Share Values: Next Steps on Migration" of 5 December 2007 at London School of Economics – Note by PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal LLP

Mailing or Enclosure

Minister of State to ILPA of 17 December 2007 re ministerial authorisation under section 19D, and ministerial arrangements under section 41 of the Race Relations Act 1976 (as amended)

Minister of State to ILPA of 17 December 2007 re ministerial authorisation under section 19D, and ministerial arrangements under section 41 of the Race Relations Act 1976 (as amended)

Mailing or Enclosure

Admiral Lord West, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State to Lord Avebury of 3 January 2008 re use of dental x-rays for immigration purposes

Admiral Lord West, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State to Lord Avebury of 3 January 2008 re use of dental x-rays for immigration purposes

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on