Resource Archive

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA response to Mr Benjamin, Legal Services Commission of 11 September 2007 re CLR report Form

ILPA response to Mr Benjamin, Legal Services Commission of 11 September 2007 re CLR report Form

Mailing or Enclosure

AIT to Refugee Legal Centre undated (2007) re the CMR Project; piloting Pre Hearing Review and extending the scope of Phone CMR

AIT to Refugee Legal Centre undated (2007) re the CMR Project; piloting Pre Hearing Review and extending the scope of Phone CMR

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA to AIT of 3 September 2007 re use of video conferencing in bail applications

ILPA to AIT of 3 September 2007 re use of video conferencing in bail applications

Mailing or Enclosure

Camden Community Law Centre to Ukvisas of 20 August 2007 and Ukvisas to Camden Community Law Centre of 24 August 2007 re exercising right of access to child rule 246 and 247 of HC 395

Camden Community Law Centre to Ukvisas of 20 August 2007 and Ukvisas to Camden Community Law Centre of 24 August 2007 re exercising right of access to child rule 246 […]

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA to Diversity Policy Team, BIA of 30 August 2007 re BIA data collection exercise

ILPA to Diversity Policy Team, BIA of 30 August 2007 re BIA data collection exercise

Mailing or Enclosure

BIA to UKCOSA of 31 August 2007 re permission to work whilst waiting for an application to be decided

BIA to UKCOSA of 31 August 2007 re permission to work whilst waiting for an application to be decided

Mailing or Enclosure

Director, Regionalisation and Stakeholders, BIA to Stakeholders of 31 August 2007 re August’s summary of Border and Immigration Agency issues

Director, Regionalisation and Stakeholders, BIA to Stakeholders of 31 August 2007 re August’s summary of Border and Immigration Agency issues

Mailing or Enclosure

Correspondence between Vincent Buffoni and Managed Migration, BIA of September 2007 re more re letter to Alan Bucknall

Correspondence between Vincent Buffoni and Managed Migration, BIA of September 2007 re more re letter to Alan Bucknall

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA to Managed Migration, BIA of 31 August 2007 and BIA response of 6 September 2007 re Work Permits UK published guidance

ILPA to Managed Migration, BIA of 31 August 2007 and BIA response of 6 September 2007 re Work Permits UK published guidance

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on