Resource Archive

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ILPA documents

Update Sheet 4 August 2007 (1)

Update Sheet 4 August 2007 (1)

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on ‘Campaigning Against Deportation or Removal Building An Anti-Deportation Campaign – A practical and policitcal guide to fighting to remain in this country produced by No One Is Illegal

Note on ‘Campaigning Against Deportation or Removal Building An Anti-Deportation Campaign – A practical and policitcal guide to fighting to remain in this country produced by No One Is Illegal

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on new Statutory Instruments – from 22 July 2007 to 16 August 2007

Note on new Statutory Instruments – from 22 July 2007 to 16 August 2007

Mailing or Enclosure

The Howard League for Penal Reform case note press release of July 2007 on Court of Appeal R v MJ

The Howard League for Penal Reform case note press release of July 2007 on Court of Appeal R v MJ

Mailing or Enclosure

Local Government Ombudsman to ILPA of 9 July 2007 re asylum age disputes and the process of age assessment

Local Government Ombudsman to ILPA of 9 July 2007 re asylum age disputes and the process of age assessment

Mailing or Enclosure

Fisher Meredith case note press release of 1 August 2007 ‘Court of Appeal prevents deportation of Algerian man based on secret evidence’

Fisher Meredith case note press release of 1 August 2007 ‘Court of Appeal prevents deportation of Algerian man based on secret evidence’

Mailing or Enclosure

Note of 14 August 2007 on HB (Ethiopia) and JL (Sierra Leone)

Note of 14 August 2007 on HB (Ethiopia) and JL (Sierra Leone)

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on ILPA website – a ‘Members’ area

Note on ILPA website – a ‘Members’ area

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on ILPA European sub-committee

Note on ILPA European sub-committee

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on