Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure

Department for Work and Pensions to Director of Policy and Research, Office of the Children’s Commissioner of 14 November 2006 re UASCs experiencing problems when claiming an income-related benefit

Department for Work and Pensions to Director of Policy and Research, Office of the Children’s Commissioner of 14 November 2006 re UASCs experiencing problems when claiming an income-related benefit

Mailing or Enclosure

News release from the Office of the Children’s Commissioner of 4 December 2006 ‘Young asylum seekers win right to financial support’

News release from the Office of the Children’s Commissioner of 4 December 2006 ‘Young asylum seekers win right to financial support’

Mailing or Enclosure

Note by Vicky Guedalla of 11 December 2006 on Legal Aid proposals – where we stand now

Note by Vicky Guedalla of 11 December 2006 on Legal Aid proposals – where we stand now

Mailing or Enclosure

Managed Migration Strategy and Review, IND to Paul Simon Solicitors of 1 December 2006 re immigraiton rules: long residence

Managed Migration Strategy and Review, IND to Paul Simon Solicitors of 1 December 2006 re immigraiton rules: long residence

Mailing or Enclosure

MMSR, IND to Kingsley Napley Solicitors of 27 November 2006, Kingsley Napley Solicitors to MMSR of 28 November 2006 and MMSR to Kingsley Napley Solicitors of 29 November 2006 re marriage/no switching

MMSR, IND to Kingsley Napley Solicitors of 27 November 2006, Kingsley Napley Solicitors to MMSR of 28 November 2006 and MMSR to Kingsley Napley Solicitors of 29 November 2006 re […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Director General, IND to ILPA of 24 November 2006 and ILPA’s response of 30 November 2006 re challenges to removals

Director General, IND to ILPA of 24 November 2006 and ILPA’s response of 30 November 2006 re challenges to removals

Mailing or Enclosure

Asylum Policy Unit, IND to Asylum Processes Stakeholder Group of 1 December 2006 Note on the process for reviewing Operational Guidance Notes

Asylum Policy Unit, IND to Asylum Processes Stakeholder Group of 1 December 2006 Note on the process for reviewing Operational Guidance Notes

Mailing or Enclosure

Asylum Policy Unit, IND to Asylum Process Stakeholder Group of 28 November 2006 re WM and AR judgement – application of paragraph 353 of the Immigration Rules

Asylum Policy Unit, IND to Asylum Process Stakeholder Group of 28 November 2006 re WM and AR judgement – application of paragraph 353 of the Immigration Rules

Mailing or Enclosure

Press release from Hammersmith and Fulham Community Law Centre of 9 November 2006 ‘Hammersmith Law Centre victory in Court of Appeal give fresh hope to asylum applicants with new evidence’ (WM and AR)

Press release from Hammersmith and Fulham Community Law Centre of 9 November 2006 ‘Hammersmith Law Centre victory in Court of Appeal give fresh hope to asylum applicants with new evidence’ […]

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