Resource Archive

All our resources appear here. Use our search function below to find documents from our large archive.

You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Detained Fast Track Processes. Operational instruction 26 April 2005

Home Office Detained Fast Track Processes. Operational instruction 26 April 2005

Mailing or Enclosure

Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Practice Directions 4 April 2005

Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Practice Directions 4 April 2005


European Commission Green Paper on an EC Approach to Managing Economic Migration COM(2004)811, ILPA comments of 1 April 2005

European Commission Green Paper on an EC Approach to Managing Economic Migration COM(2004)811, ILPA comments of 1 April 2005

Mailing or Enclosure

ECJ press release No 25/05 of 15 March 2004 re Judgement of the Court in Case C-209/03 The Queen (on the application of Dany Bidar) v London Borough of Ealing and Secretary of State for Education and Skills

ECJ press release No 25/05 of 15 March 2004 re Judgement of the Court in Case C-209/03 The Queen (on the application of Dany Bidar) v London Borough of Ealing […]

Mailing or Enclosure

NASS letter notifying those in receipt of support under section 4 of changes to the conditions of their support

NASS letter notifying those in receipt of support under section 4 of changes to the conditions of their support

Mailing or Enclosure

NASS Communications to ILPA of 29 March 2005 re policy bulletin 71 version 2.0 and revised application form for support under section 4

NASS Communications to ILPA of 29 March 2005 re policy bulletin 71 version 2.0 and revised application form for support under section 4

Mailing or Enclosure

Work Permit (UK) Minutes of User Panel meeting held on 17 February 2005

Work Permit (UK) Minutes of User Panel meeting held on 17 February 2005

Mailing or Enclosure

Camden Community Law Centre to European Policy Directorate of 11 March 2005 and IND to Camden Community Law Centre of 14 March 2005 re domestic violence – family member of EEA National

Camden Community Law Centre to European Policy Directorate of 11 March 2005 and IND to Camden Community Law Centre of 14 March 2005 re domestic violence – family member of […]

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to Kingsley Napley Solicitors to ILPA of 22 March 2005 re in-country Turkish ECAA applications

IND to Kingsley Napley Solicitors to ILPA of 22 March 2005 re in-country Turkish ECAA applications

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on