Resource Archive

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ILPA documents

Working with children and young people subject to immigration control : Guidelines for best practice

Working with children and young people subject to immigration control : Guidelines for best practice

Mailing or Enclosure

NCDAC news service of 20 October 2004 re not so much the right to family life but the right to have a family

NCDAC news service of 20 October 2004 re not so much the right to family life but the right to have a family

Mailing or Enclosure

invitation to submit evidence to a dossier from BID and Asylum Aid of October 2004 – how have the cuts in egal aid for asylum and immigration work affected you?

invitation to submit evidence to a dossier from BID and Asylum Aid of October 2004 – how have the cuts in egal aid for asylum and immigration work affected you?

Mailing or Enclosure

note on challenge to the decision to detain a minor whose age was disputed. Nick Blake and Charlotte Kilroy

note on challenge to the decision to detain a minor whose age was disputed. Nick Blake and Charlotte Kilroy

Mailing or Enclosure

UNHCR email to ILPA of 22 October 2004 and UNHCR return advisory regarding Iraqi asylum seekers and refugees

UNHCR email to ILPA of 22 October 2004 and UNHCR return advisory regarding Iraqi asylum seekers and refugees

Mailing or Enclosure

ECRE to ILPA of 19 October 2004 re ECRE information note on the Qualification Directive

ECRE to ILPA of 19 October 2004 re ECRE information note on the Qualification Directive

Mailing or Enclosure

NASS Communications IND to NASF members of 12 October 2004 re contact details on appealable decision letters

NASS Communications IND to NASF members of 12 October 2004 re contact details on appealable decision letters

Mailing or Enclosure

NASS Communications IND to NASF members of October 2004 re return of passports to EEA nationals

NASS Communications IND to NASF members of October 2004 re return of passports to EEA nationals

Mailing or Enclosure

UK immigration Service, IND to NASF members of 15 October 2004 re combining NASS termiantion information with the information issued to asylum claimants giving notification of a decision to grant leave

UK immigration Service, IND to NASF members of 15 October 2004 re combining NASS termiantion information with the information issued to asylum claimants giving notification of a decision to grant […]

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on