Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure

IND to ILPA of 19 March 2003 re Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002: consultation (on) the implementation of sections 134-139 (information required from employers and financial institutions)

IND to ILPA of 19 March 2003 re Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002: consultation (on) the implementation of sections 134-139 (information required from employers and financial institutions)

Mailing or Enclosure

IND of 3 April 2003 and Home Secretary of 28 March 2003 re UK proposals on zones of protection

IND of 3 April 2003 and Home Secretary of 28 March 2003 re UK proposals on zones of protection

Mailing or Enclosure

IND of 2 April 2003 re ending of exceptional leave policy

IND of 2 April 2003 re ending of exceptional leave policy

Mailing or Enclosure

Clore and Co Solicitors to ILPA of 15 April 2003 re Harmondworth Fast Track Pilot

Clore and Co Solicitors to ILPA of 15 April 2003 re Harmondworth Fast Track Pilot

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to Legal Services Commission of 26 March 2003 re Fast Track Project

IND to Legal Services Commission of 26 March 2003 re Fast Track Project

Mailing or Enclosure

New timetable for Fast-Track Process under 4th draft of The Immigration and Asylum Appeals (Fast Track Procedure) Rules 2003

New timetable for Fast-Track Process under 4th draft of The Immigration and Asylum Appeals (Fast Track Procedure) Rules 2003

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA to Immigration Appellate Authority of 11 April 2003 re response to the Chief Adjudicator’s consultation on draft Practice Direction for Fast Track Procedure

ILPA to Immigration Appellate Authority of 11 April 2003 re response to the Chief Adjudicator’s consultation on draft Practice Direction for Fast Track Procedure

Mailing or Enclosure

Office of the Chief Adjudicator Immigration Appeals of 16 April 2003 re draft Practice Direction Fast Track Procedure

Office of the Chief Adjudicator Immigration Appeals of 16 April 2003 re draft Practice Direction Fast Track Procedure

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA to Immigration Appellate Authority of 9 April 2003 re response to draft IAT Practice Direction No. 10 on Citation of Determinations

ILPA to Immigration Appellate Authority of 9 April 2003 re response to draft IAT Practice Direction No. 10 on Citation of Determinations

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on