Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure

IND to Irving and Co Sols of 17 Dec 02 re interview at immigration office, Dover East

IND to Irving and Co Sols of 17 Dec 02 re interview at immigration office, Dover East

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to UKCOSA of 12 December 2002 re addition of Zimbabwe to the visa national list

IND to UKCOSA of 12 December 2002 re addition of Zimbabwe to the visa national list

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to Kingsley Napley of 11 Dec 02 re long residence concession

IND to Kingsley Napley of 11 Dec 02 re long residence concession

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to ILPA of 10 Jan 03 re refusal letters

IND to ILPA of 10 Jan 03 re refusal letters

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to ILPA of 10 Jan 03 re screening processes in Liverpool

IND to ILPA of 10 Jan 03 re screening processes in Liverpool

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to ILPA of 12 Dec 02 re Home office travel document application form (TD112)

IND to ILPA of 12 Dec 02 re Home office travel document application form (TD112)

Mailing or Enclosure

Correspondence ILPA & Minister of State of 9 Dec 02, 16 Jan 03 & 20 Jan 03 re ministerial authorisation under section 19d of the race relations act 1976

Correspondence ILPA & Minister of State of 9 Dec 02, 16 Jan 03 & 20 Jan 03 re ministerial authorisation under section 19d of the race relations act 1976

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Screening version 1.28 13 December 2002

Home Office Screening version 1.28 13 December 2002

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Screening form. Version 1.28 13 December 2002

Home Office Screening form. Version 1.28 13 December 2002

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on