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Mailing or Enclosure

Refugee Community Organisation (RCO) Development Project Summary of events in Steering Committee and Co-com minutes 15 October 2001, 2 November 2001, 13 November 2001

Refugee Community Organisation (RCO) Development Project Summary of events in Steering Committee and Co-com minutes 15 October 2001, 2 November 2001, 13 November 2001


Comments on issues related to the forthcoming emergency anti-terrorism bill to the Home Affiars Committee, submitted by the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of torture 7 Novermber 2001

Comments on issues related to the forthcoming emergency anti-terrorism bill to the Home Affiars Committee, submitted by the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of torture 7 Novermber 2001


Submission by Amnesty International to the Home Affairs Committee’s short inquiry into the proposed Emergency Anti-Terrorims Bill 7 November 2001

Submission by Amnesty International to the Home Affairs Committee’s short inquiry into the proposed Emergency Anti-Terrorims Bill 7 November 2001

Mailing or Enclosure

Addressing security concerns without undermining refugee protection. UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) perspective

Addressing security concerns without undermining refugee protection. UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) perspective

Mailing or Enclosure

UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) observations on the European Commission proposal for a Council Framework Decision on combating terrorism (COM(2001) 521 final 2001/0217 (CNS)) November 2001

UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) observations on the European Commission proposal for a Council Framework Decision on combating terrorism (COM(2001) 521 final 2001/0217 (CNS)) November 2001

Mailing or Enclosure

Report by the Independent Monitor (Immigration and Asylum Act 1999) Rabinder Singh November 2001 Joint Entry Clearance Unit

Report by the Independent Monitor (Immigration and Asylum Act 1999) Rabinder Singh November 2001 Joint Entry Clearance Unit


Justice Briefing on the Anti Terrorism Crim and Security Bill, House of Commons Second Reading November 2011

Justice Briefing on the Anti Terrorism Crim and Security Bill, House of Commons Second Reading November 2011


Home Affairs Committee: Inquiry into emergency anti-terrorism legislation. Justice response

Home Affairs Committee: Inquiry into emergency anti-terrorism legislation. Justice response

Mailing or Enclosure

Dr Robert Thomas, Univ. of Manchester Law School RE Home Office research on family visitor appeals, 12 November 2001

Dr Robert Thomas, Univ. of Manchester Law School RE Home Office research on family visitor appeals, 12 November 2001

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