Resource Archive

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on

Mailing or Enclosure

Refugee Working Party (RWP) meeting minutes 18 September 2001

Refugee Working Party (RWP) meeting minutes 18 September 2001

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) to Medical Foundation Re: Detention Centre Compact

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) to Medical Foundation Re: Detention Centre Compact

Mailing or Enclosure

Work Permits (UK) Shortage Occupations as at 3 September 2001

Work Permits (UK) Shortage Occupations as at 3 September 2001

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Consultation report on justification for the use of x/gamma radiation scanners by the Immigration Service for detecting people seeking to enter the UK illegally in vehicles and/or freight, by clandestine means. Prepared in collaboration with the DERA Radiation Protection Services, acting as Radiation Protection Adviser to the Immigration Service Version 1.0 3 September 2001

Home Office Consultation report on justification for the use of x/gamma radiation scanners by the Immigration Service for detecting people seeking to enter the UK illegally in vehicles and/or freight, […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) Operational Guidance Note (OGN) for Somalia 2 September 2001

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND)  Operational Guidance Note (OGN) for Somalia 2 September 2001


Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) Operational Guidance Notes for Somalia September 2001

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND)  Operational Guidance Notes for Somalia September 2001

Mailing or Enclosure

Legal and Research Unit to ILPA re Starred Determination ECA, Harare v Brendon Colin Hughes, 10 May 2001, (01/TH/1147)

Legal and Research Unit to ILPA re Starred Determination ECA, Harare v Brendon Colin Hughes, 10 May 2001, (01/TH/1147)

Mailing or Enclosure

UNCHR Statistics re asylum applications

UNCHR Statistics re asylum applications

Mailing or Enclosure

British High Commission Islamabad United Kingdom visa fees, September 01

British High Commission Islamabad United Kingdom visa fees, September 01

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on