Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure

Nelsons Solicitors Case Note re. Immigration Judicial Review – Costs

Nelsons Solicitors Case Note re. Immigration Judicial Review – Costs

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on R v A Local Authority in the Midlands and Police Authority in the Midlands ex p LM, unreported 6 September 1999, Dyson J

Note on R v A Local Authority in the Midlands and Police Authority in the Midlands ex p LM, unreported 6 September 1999, Dyson J

Mailing or Enclosure

Extract from Hansard, 9 November 1999 re. Dispersal

Extract from Hansard, 9 November 1999 re. Dispersal

Mailing or Enclosure

A note on The Homelessness (Asylum-Seekers) (Interim Period) (England) Order 1999 (SI 1999 No 3126) from LGA website

A note on The Homelessness (Asylum-Seekers) (Interim Period) (England) Order 1999 (SI 1999 No 3126) from LGA website

Mailing or Enclosure

IND to McMillen Hamilton McCarthy of 9 November 1999 re. Backlog Clearance of Pre- 1.1.96 Asylum Cases

IND to McMillen Hamilton McCarthy of 9 November 1999 re. Backlog Clearance of Pre- 1.1.96 Asylum Cases

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on ILPA meeting with Barbara Roche, 22 November 1999

Note on ILPA meeting with Barbara Roche, 22 November 1999

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA to Refugee Council & Refugee Council to ILPA of 24 November 1999 re. Role of Assistants and Advisers in One Stop Services

ILPA to Refugee Council & Refugee Council to ILPA of 24 November 1999 re. Role of Assistants and Advisers in One Stop Services

Mailing or Enclosure

Note by Simon Cox re. Suggested ideas on challenges to interim support

Note by Simon Cox re. Suggested ideas on challenges to interim support

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA to Legal Aid Board of 30 November 1999 re. Terms of the general civil contract issued to solicitors October 1999

ILPA to Legal Aid Board of 30 November 1999 re. Terms of the general civil contract issued to solicitors October 1999

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